
Friday, October 17, 2014

Capsule Wardrobe|Beauty Tools

When it comes to the beauty industry every you turn around there is a new tool or a new gadget that claims to make you beautiful in a fraction of the time.
There is seemingly no gimmick stone left unturned when marketing beauty to men and women.
It really is not that complicated. 
I think there are really only a few things I think everyone needs to put together a nicely groomed look on a day to day basis and they do not have to be expensive or electronic or from an infomercial. 

1. Tweezers. I think you can get lovely tweezers on a budget. They are great for errant hairs, wherever they may turn up, false eyelash application and a whole host of other beauty to do's on the daily. My pair of choice is actually a limited edition CosBar pair that I lucked into when they did a partnership with Target a few years back. I ended up getting them in all three colors and was impressed by their accuracy.
For those of you not so lucky to come across these; Tweezerman is a beautiful beauty standard for a reason. They are so accurate and come with a lifetime warranty!

2. Glass nail file. This is something I have mentioned many times before but I am a total glass nail file convert. Not only are they better for your nails but a good one will get the job done for you so much faster than a traditional emery board. On top of that they are a sustainable option. Wash it between every used with warm water and you basically have a nail file for life or, in my case, until you break it.
My favorite which is not pictured because I broke it last week (raise your hand if you're surprised) is this one from Sally's Beauty Supply. Although for a few bucks less you can nab the one pictured above at your local Harmon.

3. Eyelash curlers. Everyone's favorite beauty torture device! I think these a must have if you wear eye makeup. When you stop using them after introducing them into your routine you really notice the absence.
Even if you don't wear makeup they can be a nice easy way to wake up your face without actually applying any product. I've been very much enjoying the Japonesque ones I have but am biding my time before I branch out into the gold standard Shu Uemura's.

4. MAC 217 Brush. Now this is the newest to my collection of favorite tools but if you are going to wear eye makeup you need this. This makes all eye shadow seemingly idiot proof. This is the kind of brush that can be used to create a whole look and not require any other brushes to help it out. 
It applies color beautifully, cream or powder, and blends better than any other brush I've tried. I've had it for three weeks and I am already contemplating the financing of several backups.
Get this brush.

Now this isn't exactly no tools but as far as basic beauty needs are concerned this little assortment will have you covered for almost any occasion.

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A recent Fashion Design graduate with a longstanding love of fashion, beauty, and pop culture. A collection of What I wore, How I wore it, Where I got it, and Why I love it.