
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Empties #13|TheUnanimousMolly

I know I have been on a video roll lately!
What can I say? I like the sound of my own voice.
Empties videos are some of my favorite. I think it gives you great insight into the things I'm really using as well as giving me a chance once every few months to scour my collection for things that are collecting dust or going bad.
Win, win, win!
I hope you guys enjoy this and let me know what you've used up lately.
Are you going to repurchase?
Check out life behind the cut to see what gets tossed and what gets a second(or third, or fourth) lap!

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About Me

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A recent Fashion Design graduate with a longstanding love of fashion, beauty, and pop culture. A collection of What I wore, How I wore it, Where I got it, and Why I love it.