
Monday, March 31, 2014

Beauty Sleep

I am a notoriously terrible sleeper. Just ask my parents. I have been fighting to stay awake for my whole life.
Now whether it's for work or play a good, long, late night out is fun every once and a while, but most nights I need my sleep. Need.
 I can usually get by on around 5-6 hours but the scenario lately has been more like 4-5 hours a night. The worst part is not that I'm not in bed by 10 or ready to sleep, its just a natural compulsion to watch one more episode, or read one more Buzzfeed list, or scroll through Facebook one more time. I hate to ever refer to it as insomnia, because I find that to be a much more serious situation, but the inability to shut off when I really want to can be really challenging for me.
In an effort to help with this I turned to my evening routine and looked for ways to add relaxing steps to aid in my dozing off. Then I remembered I had this little vial of magic rolling around in my skincare stash. Introducing the Weleda Lavender Relaxing Body Oil.

Every night I just dab a small amount of this on to my pulse points. (Wrists, inside elbows, behind the ears or anywhere else you'd put perfume.) I massage the oil in briefly and by the time I lay down I am cozy, calm, and ready to sleep. I'm not sure if it's aromatherapy at it's finest or entirely psychosomatic but it has helped me to squeeze an extra hour and a half or so into my nightly rest.
Now I can't say it's broken all of my bad bedtime habits. I still watch that extra episode of Archer on Netflix some nights, and some nights I don't get as much extra sleep is as I need or want to. I have, however, seen a discernible and consistent improvement overall and when my trial sized vial is done I will 100% be adding a full size to my stash. That or delving into one of these products...

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A recent Fashion Design graduate with a longstanding love of fashion, beauty, and pop culture. A collection of What I wore, How I wore it, Where I got it, and Why I love it.