
Monday, June 25, 2012

Holy Grail Status

Even amidst my recent battle to finish things there are a few purchases I haven't been able to resist. Some of them are worth the trouble, a lot of them are not. This one, however, is something I would surrender my first born for if neccessary. (I kid naturally) It is amazing stuff none the less.

I am a self apointed lip balm junkie. Now obviously I have a thing with makeup in general (otherwise why would I be here) but lip balm is where it all started. Who doesn't remember there very first Lip Smackers? Mine was Dr Pepper flavor and I loved it, it made me feel all grown up and lady-like applying it in the middle of my 5th grade history lesson. Since then my quest for smooth lips has continued and gotten more serious every year. While I may never stop trying new ones, I'm confident I have found the best.

Nuxe Reve dr Miel is not a stranger to the internet. There are no shortage of glowing reviews to be found on the particular product. It is a thick balm with a waxy consistency and a citrusy beeswax smell. It is truly unlike any other lipbalm I have ever tried. The beeswax in the formula creates a bitty texture in the balm but as soon as you get the product on your fingers and massage it into your lips it melts and creates a very thick, hydrating, matte, coating on the mouth. It is quite dense and I would say that if you were to wear the balm during the day it might be uncomfortably thick on the lips.

For nighttime use however, this is the best thing on the planet. A barely there layer applied right before bed and when you wakeup it is STILL THERE. Honestly I've never experienced that before. It seems to be the perfect marriage of pertoleum based products that just create a seal over the lips and oil based products that hydrate but don't last.

I think the inclusion of the beesewax is what makes this product work so well.  As far as I'm concerned the balm stands alone in terms of quality and function. It is however  quite a pricey product. I ordered mine from dermstore (link!) where the price is 19$, but the shipping there is always free. You can find it listed other places for less but with the shipping costs it usually winds up working out to more than 20$ anyway.

The pricetag certainly won't be for everyone but with the amount I use of this there is no way I see myself using it up anytime soon. If you think about it as a cost per wear it will work out much cheaper.

There are ultimatley cheaper lipbalms on the market that will do the job (not nearly as well I promise you) but if you have the funds to treat yourself I cannot reccomend this enough!

Have you guys splurged on anything lately? Was it worth it?


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A recent Fashion Design graduate with a longstanding love of fashion, beauty, and pop culture. A collection of What I wore, How I wore it, Where I got it, and Why I love it.