
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ring Around

If you saw my last post you'll know I've been on a bit of a ring kick lately. Accessories in general really, but rings especially. I intentionally sought out a sore called Secret of not a typo that is the name of the shop, it's on 8th Ave just south of the Port Authority. It is essentially and import type store and everything is $2.99. If you live in New York and have ever been to one of the Gem Story stores, it is essentially the same thing. 

So I went in looking for some cocktail rings in various colors, shapes, and sizes. I wound up leaving with four, and that required some serious self control as I could have easily bought more. I got 3 silver and 1 gold.

My favorite is the last one. It is the smallest and the oblong shaped stone is really flattering. I have short stubby fingers and while I don't spend a whole lot of time worrying about it, it is nice to come across things that diminish their stumpy appearance.

In retrospect I think I would swap out the only gold one for something else. When I started wearing it and looking at it in profile on my finger, I realized it looks a bit like a cowboy hat. Not. Cute. 
Head on its a little classier looking but I might have to go back and revisit some of the other gold options.

I foresee this summer being the summer of rings, but we'll see. It's so easy to pick a new accessory obsession if you're only shelling out 3$ a pop. It's a good thing the shop is out of the way of my daily trek otherwise I would have a hard time saying no to a quick look on my way home everyday.

What have you been enjoying lately?

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A recent Fashion Design graduate with a longstanding love of fashion, beauty, and pop culture. A collection of What I wore, How I wore it, Where I got it, and Why I love it.